Terms and Conditions


These General Conditions of Sale are valid exclusively between the Feleppa FV srl company (hereinafter called "Feleppa") and any person who makes online purchases (hereinafter referred to as "Customer") on the website www.feleppa.com (hereinafter " Site ") and have as its object the discipline of purchasing products and services, carried out at a distance and made available by the site itself through the Internet in compliance with the Italian legislation. These conditions can be the subject of changes and the date of publication of the same on the site is equivalent to the date of entry into force.

Owner of Feleppa and the related services
Feleppa FV Srl
Via Romagna, 53
62010 Morrovalle (MC)
VAT: 01931750432



With these General Conditions of Sale, Feleppa sells and the Customer acquires the Matteri Matkets indicated and offered for sale on the site at a distance. The contract ends exclusively through the Internet, through the customer's access to www.feleppa.com and the creation of a purchase order according to the procedure provided for by the site itself.

The Customer undertakes to view, before proceeding with confirmation of his order, of these General Conditions of Sale, in particular of the pre -contractual information provided by Feleppa and to accept them by affixing a flag in the indicated box.



In order to use the service or part of it, customers must register by providing, in a truthful and complete way, all the data requested in the relative registration form and fully accept privacy policy and these general conditions. The customer has the burden of guarding his access credentials.


Purchase procedure

Each order sent constitutes an offer for the purchase of products. Orders are subject to the availability and discretionary acceptance of Feleppa. The customer must select the products and check-out, after having carefully and possibly modified the information contained in the order summary. The order is placed by confirming the same and is subject to payment of the price, taxes and shipping and payment costs indicated in the order summary form.

The order processing receipt does not constitute acceptance of the order. The conclusion of the contract takes place at the time of sending the order confirmation by Feleppa to the email address provided by the Customer. Feleppa reserves the opportunity not to confirm an order by communicating to the Customer within 20 days of purchase, to the email address associated with his purchase, the possible unavailability of one or more of the products purchased. In this case Feleppa will reimburse the price and shipping costs incurred by the customer.


Availability of products

The availability of the products refers to effective availability when the customer plays the order. However, this availability must be considered purely indicative because, as a result of the simultaneous presence on the site of multiple users, the products could be sold to other customers before confirmation of the order.

Also following the sending of the order confirmation of the order sent by Feleppa, cases of partial or total unavailability of the goods may occur. In this eventuality, the order will be automatically rectified with the elimination of the product not available and the customer will be immediately informed by e-mail.

If the Customer requires the cancellation of the order, within 24 hours from the purchase of the products, terminating the contract, Feleppa will reimburse the amount paid within 2 days, from the day he had aware of the customer's decision to terminate the contract.

The prices, descriptions or availability of the products on display are subject to modification without notice. The photos inserted are indicative and do not constitute a guarantee of the quality of the products.


Execution of the order

The order is carried out in the terms specified on the summary page and in the order confirmation email, with reserve of the availability of the orderly product. Feleppa cannot be held responsible for damages suffered by the customer due to delays in delivery that are not dependent on circumstances predictable by the parties when sending the order confirmation.


Product prices

All the sales prices of the products indicated on the Site are expressed in euros and are included in VAT and all taxes. Shipping costs are not included in the purchase price, but are indicated and calculated at the time of the conclusion of the purchase process before making payment. The Customer accepts the Faculty of Feleppa to modify its prices at any time, however the goods will be invoiced on the basis of the prices indicated on the site at the time of the creation of the order and indicated in the confirmation email sent by Feleppa to the Customer.



The customer who has submitted the order to Feleppa, can make the online payment of the price of the products and the related delivery costs via PayPal on the Site, with bank transfer or with Scalapay.

Paypal/credit card

Once the order has been confirmed, the customer will be redirected to the Paypal website where he can pay with his account or using a card, also prepaid, or in any case according to the methods accepted by Paypal and in compliance with the relative conditions.


Bank transfer

Once the order has been confirmed, the Customer will have to pay the total of the order by bank transfer to the following bank:
Bank of the province of Macerata via Carducci, 67 - 62100 Macerata
IBAN: IT97E0331768870000110305968
Bic: pracit31xxx
Intermediary Bank: Banca Banca Banca Bank: CCRirt2t



If you buy with Scalapay you receive your order immediately and pay in 3 installments. Act that the installments will be transferred to increase SPV s.r.l., to related subjects and their assignees, and that authorizes this transfer.



Feleppa will only accept orders to be delivered in the Italian territory and in the countries contained in the list below. The products will be delivered by express courier at the address indicated by the Customer at the time of the order no later than 15 days. from the date of receipt by the customer of the order confirmation-email sent by Feleppa.

For each order placed on the site, Feleppa issues the regular transport document of the goods sent. The receipt will be sent attached to the shipment itself. The document will contain the information provided by the Customer during the purchase procedure. After the issue of the document, it will not be possible to make any changes to the data indicated in the same.

Throughout Italy, shipping is free for orders over € 300.00, for lower orders is € 8.00 for payment by bank transfer, € 8.00 for payment with PayPal, € 12.00 for payment by cash on delivery.
The shipping of orders abroad is € 20.00.

Deliveries are carried out during normal working hours at the address indicated by the Customer and according to the methods specified in the order summary. Upon delivery, the customer must check the content by specifying any anomalies in the delivery form. In case of non -withdrawal within the term established by the transporter, the products will be returned to Feleppa, which will refund the price of the products, but not the shipping cost. Feleppa cannot be held responsible for errors in delivery due to inaccuracies or incompleteness in the compilation of the purchase order by the Customer, for damages possibly taken to the products after delivery to the carrier or for delays in delivery attributable to it.

List of Shipping Feleppa Shop countries

Bosnia Herzegovina
Great Britain
Fruit salad
Czech republic
San Marino



In case of purchase of products or services on the Site, the Customer has the right to withdraw from the contract without indicating the reasons, within 14 days. The withdrawal period expires after 14 days from the day when the customer or a third - other than the carrier and designated by the customer - acquires the physical possession of the goods. To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Customer is required to inform Feleppa of the decision to withdraw through an explicit declaration sent to the contacts indicated.


Effects of withdrawal

If the Customer withdraws from this contract, all the payments he made in favor of Feleppa will be reimbursed, with the exception of the costs of delivery without undue delay and in any case no later than 14 days from the day Feleppa is informed of the customer's decision to withdraw from this contract. These refunds will be made using the same vehicle of payment used by the customer for the initial transaction, unless the customer has not expressly agreed otherwise; In any case, the customer will not have to incur any cost as a consequence of this reimbursement. The reimbursement can be suspended until the reception of the assets or until the adverse demonstration by the customer to have sent the assets, if previous.

The customer is asked to send the assets and to deliver them to Feleppa without undue delays and in any case within 14 days from the day he communicated the withdrawal from this contract. The term is respected if the customer respects the assets before the expiry of the 14 -day period. The costs of returning the goods will be the responsibility of the customer. The customer is responsible only for the decrease in the value of the goods resulting from a manipulation of the good other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.


Limitations to the right of withdrawal on products

Used or used products are not replaced or reimbursed, even if only partially. The customer will have to insert within the packaging box a copy of the delivery document received. The right of withdrawal does not apply: to the assets made to measure or clearly customized or which, by their nature, risk deteriorating quickly, are sealed and do not lend themselves to being returned for hygienic reasons or are connected to the protection of health and have been open after delivery.



In case of purchase of products or services on the Site, the Customer has the right to request the change or product change without indicating the reasons, within 14 days. The period scheduled for the gearbox expires after 14 days from the day when the customer or a third party - other than the carrier and designated by the customer - acquires the physical possession of the goods. To exercise the right of change, the Customer is required to inform Feleppa of the decision to withdraw through an explicit declaration sent to the contacts indicated.


Legislative references

  1. LGS. 21/2014 - In implementation of Directive 2011/83/EU on consumer rights



The customer who buys as a consumer has the right of guarantee on the products and services purchased within the limits of 24 months from the purchase and the conditions established by the law, provided that Feleppa of the defects found, in the same methods provided for for withdrawal, within 2 months of their discovery. To exercise the guarantee right, the customer is required to return the product by following the instructions indicated in the appropriate section of the site or, failing that, contacting Feleppa.


The service is provided "As it is"

The service is provided by Feleppa "as it is", without any expressed or implicit guarantee for its accuracy or availability.


Interruption of the service

Feleppa reserves the right to add, remove features or characteristics or suspend or completely stop the supply of the service, both temporary and definitive. In the event of definitive interruption, Feleppa will act as possible to allow customers to withdraw their information hosted at Feleppa.


Service resale

Customers are not authorized to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or take advantage of any portion of the site and its services without the expressed permit by Feleppa, guaranteed directly or through a specific resale program.



The customer undertakes to keep Feleppa unscathed (as well as any companies controlled or affiliated by the same, his representatives, administrators, agents, licensees, partners and employees), from any obligation or responsibility, including any legal fees incurred to defend himself in court , which should arise against damage caused to other customers or third parties, in relation to the content uploaded online, the violation of the terms of the law or terms of these Service Conditions.


Permitted use

Customers cannot:

Carry out reversce engineering, decompile, disassemble, modify or create derivative works based on the site or on any portion of it;

Airing the IT systems used on the site or by its licensees to protect the content accessible through it;

Copy, preserve, modify, change, prepare derivative work or alter in any way any of the contents provided of the site;

Use any robot, spider, search/finding application application, or any other device, automatic process or means to access, recover, scraping or index any portion of the site or its contents;

Rent, dismiss or sub-cylicate Feleppa;

Defame, offend, harass, to implement underworld practices, threaten or otherwise violate the rights (such as the right to privacy and advertising) of others;

Disseminate or publish illegal, obscene, illegitimate, defamatory or inappropriate content;

Use the site in any other improper mode such as to violate these terms.


Privacy Policy

For information on the use of personal data, customers must refer to the site privacy policy.


Age requirements

Customers declare that they are of age according to the legislation applicable to them. In no case under 18 can use the site.


Liability limitations

Feleppa, within the limits of applicable law, responds for contractual and non -contractual damage to customers or third parties exclusively when these constitute an immediate and direct consequence, for willful misconduct or gross negligence, of the activity of the site.

The Customer exempts and expressly raises Feleppa from any liability, within the limits allowed by the applicable legislation, in relation to any damage or claims of any type and/or third party and/or of third parties including direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special damage, i, i Damage deriving from non -profits, missed revenues, loss of data or replacement costs deriving from the or in any case connected with this agreement.

Feleppa assumes no responsibility for disservices attributable due to force majeure or fortuitous chance, even if dependent on malfunctions and disservices of the internet, in the event that it cannot execute the order in the times provided by the contract.


Changes to these Terms

Feleppa reserves the right to make changes to these Terms at any time, giving notice to the customer through his publication within the site.

The customer who continues to use the site after the publication of the changes, accepts the new terms without reserve.


Sale of the contract

Feleppa reserves the right to transfer, yield, dispose of all or some of the rights or obligations deriving from these Terms for Nazione or subcontract, provided that the customer's rights are not prejudiced here.

The customer cannot transfer or transfer his rights or obligations in any way pursuant to these terms without the written authorization of Feleppa.



All communications relating to the site must be sent using the contact information indicated.



If any clause of these Terms should be not valid or ineffective, the aforementioned clause will be eliminated while the remaining clauses will not be conditioned by this and will remain effective.


Applicable law and competent hole

These terms and all disputes regarding the execution, interpretation and validity of this contract are subject to Italian law.

The parties undertake to donate any dispute, within the limits of applicable legislation, to the jurisdiction of the Italian courts, with an exclusive hole identified in the Macerata hole, or in the hole of residence or home of the consumer.




The service offered by Feleppa as described by these terms and within the site.


The natural or legal person who uses the service.

  • Terms and conditions (or terms)

These General Service Conditions, which constitute a legally binding agreement between the Customer and Feleppa.

  • Order processing receipt

Indicates the email that Feleppa sends when receiving the order.

  • Order confirmation

Indicates the email that Feleppa sends to the moment when the products are shipped to confirm the shipment of all or part of the purchased products.

